The starting guide of HTML5

Chit Long Tang bio photo By Chit Long Tang

This post is specially designed for my sweetheart:)

I will try to explain it as easy as possible:)

For every html page, you can treat it as a kind of documents. Hence, we have to start every page with <!DOCTYPE html> to define the type of document.

In HTML5 coding, the commands always start with and end with <\something>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html>                                 <!-- For a basic html page, it contains a head and a body -->

		<title>Page Title</title>      <!-- This is where you define the title and other features in the page -->


		<h1>This is a Heading</h1>     <!-- <h> is a command to define the header of a paragraph -->
		<p>This is a paragraph.</p>    <!-- <p> is a command to define the content of a paragraph -->
