Condition Number

Chit Long Tang bio photo By Chit Long Tang

Method: Condition Number in Numerical Analysis

Condition number of a function measures how much the outputof the function (ie. ) can change for a small change in the input (i.e. ). The number evaluate the sensitivity of the function when error or change encounted in input.

Function with a low condition number is said to be well-conditioned or ill-conditioned when condition number is high.

Consider the following set-up:

and \ where

Question: What is the impact of perturbation of , with respect to ?

Example : We are interested in solving the problem

, , ,

Assuming to be regular , we obtain

Consider a perturbated problem, we need to address the following problem:

where , , ,

There exists a rule of thumb of conditionn number : If , it indicates you may lose up to digits of precision

Here gives an simple example of Addition:

In this example, we have high condition number if . In other words, the function is not stable when

Apart from that, the following examples also give high condition number:

  • Finite Difference: $$ \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}$$
  • Exponential Expansion: $$ e^{-10} = 1 - 10 + \frac{100}{2} - \frac{1000}{6} \cdots $$

The function is ill-conditioned when . To avoid the instability, we can simply change our problem to for . The follwing grpah gives a comparision to original problem and modified problem by calculating the relative error:

From the above example, we can know that stability is an character in evaluating uncertainty of a model since small perturbation may lead to exponential effect in ill-conditioned model. In the later session, we will learn how to quanifying uncertainty step-by-step.